
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hi my name is Donna and this is my very first blog entry,  And I hope you enjoy it.  I have lots of ideas and  would like to share them with you. I love to to learn new things and trying them out . And if I do anything wrong or there is a better and easier way to do it, I hope you would leave a comment and let me know. Some of this stuff is new to me.


    Hey! I am so happy I canned tomato's last week,and I think they turned out great, With the help of my neighbor Joyce she is a great friend and we all love her so much. I have some pictures I want to share with you and I think we did a great job. Well I know Joyce knows want she is doing but I didn't, and who knew I loved it so I am going to can some other things. Here are some pictures for you to see.

These are to tomato's we canned. some of them were a little to green to can so I am going to do them later. I had mostly red tomato's but I did have some yellow ones, so I canned them separate from the red ones.

Here we peeled them and cut them up. We did not blanch them, Joyce has always done it this way so that was the way we did it.

We had finely got them all peeled and ready to put on the stove to cook. After they started to boil that was when we timed it for about 10 min. when they were tender we put them into jars. 
And here they are my red tomato's

Ok Joyce left and I had the yellow tomato's to do she said she would come back and help me with if I needed her, I wanted to try myself and if I do say so myself I did a pretty good job. 

I prepared them just like the red tomato's I just did not have as many,

And here they are the red and yellow canned tomato's I just love it I am going to get some cucumbers and can pickles LOVE IT......